Payment and Shipping

Prices shown is Danish Crowns or DKK Payments for charms can be done through this site. Comissions should be done directly VIA paypal please. Shipping will take place as soon as the pre-order arrives, that may however take a while. Shipping will be done as a padded letter. If you have any questions, you can contact me at

My VTube projects

Snail Lunova AKA. JokarGirl
I drew and rigged my own model from scratch. This is the second version of my model that was updated after about a year of VTubing. I learned a lot about rigging from making these models.
Groovy's model was a surprise gift I gave to him at the beginning of his streamer career. I had originally made a cow design for him as a joke, and it grew on me. Eventially I made the model in his image.
SuperShadow271 AKA Silver Bolt
Shadows model was one I made in tandem with him. We discussed the design back and forth, and I made a few mockups for him to choose between. The model is inspired by his MLP Original Character, but as a human. Designing the model together was such a fun project!
Akanmi Ringo
Ringo was my first rigging-only client. He requested a very simple rig, with mild facial features. It was a good challenge to try and keep the rigging simple, yet still engaging to look at! (also self control in not overdoing it ehehehe)
Dr. Dr Kōmori
Komori is my precious vampire son. He is the third person I did the rigging for. A fun challenge with this one was keeping his movement professional and manly, and not too bouncy-cute like I usually do.
Nightcore Neko
Neko is the first client that reached out to me without being personally referred. To that she will always have a sepcial place in my heart. I also got to do the art for her second outfit!
My first ever iFacialMocap model, was a blast learning to use this type of rigging, and I loved designing the model!

Contact me

Have some questions or concerns? Contact me so we can figure something out

Comission information

You can request a commission for a character illustration of either your own original character, or in some cases a fictional character of your choice! (for personal use) Illustrations can come in fullbody, halfbody, or headshot sizes. For a general idea of pricing check our shop. Special additions may be added for commercial use, or special details or props. For a precise price, please discuss we me on discord. JokarGirl#4298
I do Live2D rigging commissions! This means that I will do the animations for art made by either me or another artist intended for VTuber activities. The rigging will be made for your needs and tracking type. We will be in dialogue about your specific wishes and desires, and I will give you a price based on your wishes. For a general pricing idea, please inquire or check my shop. If you're interested, please contact my discord: JokarGirl#4298
Art for a VTube model is quite different from a regular illustration. There needs to be a lot of layering done so the model can move. Most of my models average around 200 layers with clothes. This is why Live2D is quite a big order, and takes a long time to do. For a precise price of your wishes and needs, please send me a message on discord. JokarGirl#4298 You can also get a general idea of the price on my store.
Here is a step by step of the commission process: Step 1: You send me a message of what you want me to make Step 2: I accept or deny depending on my queue Step 3: We discuss the specifics, and payment is made. (either full payment, or deposit, depending on project size) (Live2D art or Rigging is considered large projects) Step 4: I make my sketch, and send it to you. At this step we can work on most changes and revisions. Step 5: I complete the comission and you can request any small final changes and revisions.
Here are my terms of service to keep in mind. 1) I have the right to deny commissions for any reason. 2) Unless specifically stated, you cannot use my work for commercial use, such as selling on merchandise, or reselling. NOTE: Emotes may always be used for streaming and merchandise. Live2D art may also be used for Commercial use related to the streamers activities. But may not be resold for value greater than the original price. 3) If I feel badly treated such as foul language or threats, I may refund the commission price and cease our collaboration. 4) Deadlines should be agreed upon by both parties. I am often busy and cannot always promise short delivery times without warning.