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Prices shown is Danish Crowns or DKK
Payments for charms can be done through this site. Comissions should be done directly VIA paypal please.
Shipping will take place as soon as the pre-order arrives, that may however take a while. Shipping will be done as a padded letter.
If you have any questions, you can contact me at JokarSnail@gmail.com
My VTube projects

I drew and rigged my own model from scratch. This is the second version of my model that was updated after about a year of VTubing. I learned a lot about rigging from making these models.

Groovy's model was a surprise gift I gave to him at the beginning of his streamer career. I had originally made a cow design for him as a joke, and it grew on me. Eventially I made the model in his image.

Shadows model was one I made in tandem with him. We discussed the design back and forth, and I made a few mockups for him to choose between. The model is inspired by his MLP Original Character, but as a human. Designing the model together was such a fun project!

Ringo was my first rigging-only client. He requested a very simple rig, with mild facial features. It was a good challenge to try and keep the rigging simple, yet still engaging to look at! (also self control in not overdoing it ehehehe)

Komori is my precious vampire son. He is the third person I did the rigging for. A fun challenge with this one was keeping his movement professional and manly, and not too bouncy-cute like I usually do.

Neko is the first client that reached out to me without being personally referred. To that she will always have a sepcial place in my heart. I also got to do the art for her second outfit!

My first ever iFacialMocap model, was a blast learning to use this type of rigging, and I loved designing the model!

Contact me
Have some questions or concerns?
Contact me so we can figure something out